
  1. Research & Development, June 1995, feature article — Fabs Strain to Prevent Work- Related Injuries, Don Lassiter
  2. Treatise On Optics, Second American Edition – Philadelphia, 1835, Sir David Brewster
  3. USA Microscopy & Analysis, July 1993, Article: Applying Ergonomics to Improve Microscopy Work, Helen Haines and Lynn McAtamney.
  4. Applied Ergonomics 1991 – 22.1, 36-42 Article: Planning and Implementation of Microscope Work, M.G. Helander, E.J. Grossmith and P. Prabhu.
  5. ASCT News (American Society for Cytotechnology) Number 3, 1990 Article: The Scoop on Scopes, Roberta M Goodell, Editor.
  6. The International Academy of Cytology, Reference 25:195-196, 1981, letters to the Editor, Max Robinowitz, M.D., Gunther F. Bahr, M.D. F.I.A.C., Cecil H. Fox, Ph.D. (Armed Forces Institute of Pathology)
  7. TriTek Corp. , 5263 Stewart Road, Sumerduck, VA 22742 (540) 439-3690, (
  8. Washington Post, May 22, 1997,”In The Chips Now, But Maybe Not Later”, Peter Behr